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Nonpartisan groups have consistently ranked @GaryPeters among the most effective bipartisan members of the Senate. Gary is a proud Democrat working hard to flip the White House & Senate. #MIsen #DemCastMI
@GaryPeters is demanding answers about the inexcusable delays in the mail and the removal of sorting machines. He will continue investigating until he gets to the bottom of this crisis. #MIsen #DemCastMI
Sen. Peters supports policies that empower Blacks and underserved communities. @GaryPeters is working to reform the criminal justice system, from oversight of law enforcement to racial disparities in policing. #MIsen #DemCastMI
@GaryPeters cosponsored the fair pay act for women. Equal work=equal pay. He is fighting to increase women working in STEM, he supports Violence Against Women Act, & he advocates for reproductive freedom. #MIsen #DemCastMI
Unlike his Republican opponent, @GaryPeters is a gun safety champion. Gary agrees with the majority of Michiganders that universal background checks are a valuable gun safety measure. #MIsen #DemCastMI
Affordable healthcare is the key to a healthy Michigan. @GaryPeters supports the ACA but knows it needs common-sense fixes, like repealing the Cadillac Tax & expanding coverage, and lowering the cost of life-saving medications. #MIsen #DemCastMI
"Politicans shouldn't be able to pick their own voters," said @GaryPeters when the Supreme court ruled against redrawing districts before 2020. Re-elect Gary Peters to the Senate so he can keep fighting for fair district maps. #MIsen #DemCastMI
@GaryPeters advocates for Michigan farmers. Gary has passed laws against unfair trade practices and wants to expand broadbend to rural areas to support telemedicine and remote learning. #MIsen #DemCastMI
A public school kid, @GaryPeters stands up to special interests trying to gut our public school. He is a fighting to expand funding in MI schools and lessen the burden of student loans. #MIsen #DemCastMI
As Senator @GaryPeters has protected the Great Lakes from drilling & oil spills. He's worked to keep drinking water sources uncontaminated & establish standards for cleaning up toxic chemicals. #MIsen #DemCastMI
The Michigan economy is powered by small businesses. @GaryPeters is working to keep manufacturing in MI & expand access to workforce training. These actions create good, middle-class jobs. #MIsen #DemCastMI
Michigan's Senator @GaryPeters is righting for the integrity of our democracy. He voted to expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and limit the influence of private donor money in politics. #MIsen #DemCastMI
As Ranking Member on the Homeland Security Committee @GaryPeters fights everyday to keep our service members safe & healthy. Gary supports common-sense immigration reform to strenthgen border security. #MIsen #DemCastMI
Gary Peters is a fifth-generation Michigander and his number one priority is making sure Michigan families can thrive. Learn more about him at @GaryPeters or on FB @PetersForMichigan. #MIsen #DemCastMI
Research shows that 1 in 5 Americans have walked away from the pharmacy counter because they can’t afford their prescription drugs. @ElissaSlotkin will fight for transparency and lower costs. #MI08 #DemCastMI
.@HaleyLive believes in a 21st century labor movement that protects workers, supports training programs, and pays a livable wage. We must end the gender pay gap and support paid family leave for all. #MI11 #DemCastMI
All children deserve an education that will allow them to be competitive in the 21st century economy. @ElissaSlotkin is fighting for common-sense measures that support funding for STEAM education. #MI08 #DemCastMI
Options that would allow people the choice to buy into plans, such as Medicare, have been proven to control healthcare costs for consumers. @ElissaSlotkin will support options that make health care more affordable for all. #MI08 #DemCastMI
Fighting improper influence in elections shouldn't be a partisan issue. @ElissaSlotkin will continue fighting to reform our campaign finance laws, supporting policies that would increase transparency, and curb unlimited spending. #MI08 #DemCastMI
We should implement a public option for the ACA so that the insurance companies that act as a near monopoly in some places have competition. @HaleyLive will work to fix the (ACA), not dismantle it. #MI11 #DemCastMI
It is important that we have strong coalitions and support for LGBTQ+ rights and that current progress at the federal level is not undone. @HaleyLive will be a voice for equality under the law. #MI11 #DemCastMI
In Michigan, women make only 78 cents to every $1 for men, Black women in Michigan make 63 cents,and Latina women make only 58 cents. Re-elect @HaleyLiveto continue her advocacy for equal pay for women. #MI11 #DemCastMI
Opioid overdoses now claim more lives than car accidents, including hundreds of deaths each year across our district. This issue demands action, at every level. @ElissaSlotkin will take action. #MI08 #DemCastMI
Studies have shown that full, federal legalization of medical marijuana in particular could be an effective solution to combat opioid addiction. @HaleyLive will fight for legalization. #MI11 #DemCastMI
We must prohibit terrorists, the mentally ill, and domestic abusers from obtaining guns. In order to accomplish these common sense measures, @ElissaSlotkin will help pass gun safety measures to reduce gun violence. #MI08 #DemCastMI
We must end loopholes in the background checks system, finally pass a bill to crack down on bump stocks, and preserve current protections against gun silencers. @HaleyLive will make this a day 1 issue. #MI11 #DemCastMI
There is still much work to be done to ensure that every Michigander has clean, drinkable water when they turn on their tap. Making that a reality remains one of @ElissaSlotkin top priorities in Washington. #MI08 #DemCastMI
Economic recovery from the pandemic will depend on keeping our kids safe at school. @HaleyLive will lead the charge in growing and revitalizing our economy while keeping Michiganders' health at the forefront. #MI11 #DemCastMI
Michigan gets a lower share of federal funding for our gas tax dollars than the average state. @HillaryScholten will fight for improvements to our infrastructure, fixing the roads for safe and durable transportation. #MI03 #DemCastMI
Cyber security and protections for our privacy and data are the new battle of the twenty-first century. We need to fight for a free and open internet. @jonhoadley will fight for broadband access for Michigan. #MI06 #DemCastMI
"I am supportive of Medicare for All...(but) I’m not wedded to only one way of solving the healthcare crisis." @jonhoadley has the flexibility to ensure that progress is made toward insuring every Michigander. #MI06 #DemCastMI
We need expanded civil rights protections for "all individuals, regardless of race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, familial status, marital status." @HillaryScholten #MI03 #DemCastMI
When elected to Congress, @jonhoadley will protect a woman’s right to choose. Jon will also work to Title X funding to Planned Parenthood so they can continue to provide quality low-cost healthcare to all. #MI06 #DemCastMI
"Everything I care about is on the line in 2020. And I didn't want to look back on this moment and realize that I didn't do everything I possibly could to improve the lives of people in my community" @HillaryScholten #MI03 #DemCastMI
For far too many, the criminal justice system lacks justice. "We need to rethink how we’re keeping our communities safe, who we’re incarcerating, and what that period of incarceration looks like." @HillaryScholten #MI03 #DemCastMI
I'm voting for candidates who will protect our environment. @HillaryScholten will work to protect the Great Lakes from pollution, vote against any effort to cut Great Lakes funding, and protect our drinking water from dangerous lead and PFAS chemicals. #MI03 #DemCastMI
In the last five years, Michigan has experienced 11 climate or weather-related disasters that each cost $1 billion in damages. @jonhoadley will bring green jobs and industries to Michigan, growing the economy while fighting climate change. #MI06 #DemCastMI
In Congress @HillaryScholten will look for ways to create & expand job training & apprenticeship programs. Michiganders who don’t go to college should be able to learn a trade and prepare for 21st century jobs. #MI03 #DemCastMI
"Big money in our politics is standing in the way of progress being made on the issues that matter most to Michigan’s working families." @jonhoadley will fight corruption, vote to end dark money, and protect our right to vote. #MI06 #DemCastMI
Hillary Scholten will oppose privatization of Social Security, fight cuts in benefits, and allow Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. A vote for @scholtenforcongress helps to protect our vulnerable seniors. #MI03 #DemCastMI
Older Michiganders who live alone and are struggling to keep themselves safe and healthy without support. When @jonhoadley is elected to Congress, he will work for long term solutions to this problem. #MI06 #DemCastMI
In 2017, @jonhoadley introduced the Voters Bill of Rights in the Michigan Legislature. As your representative, one of his first priorities will be reforming our politics to protect the right to vote. #MI06 #DemCastMI
"This election is about our future. It’s about affordable healthcare. It’s about job security. It's about showing faith in each other, our community, and our government." @AndreaKellyGar2 #MIpol #DemCastMI
Michigan ranks last among the 50 states in funding growth for public education. @Vote4Morse knows that new state policies need to be developed to help our children get the education they need to thrive in this 21st century economy. #MIpol #DemCastMI
"I have a track record for creating positive, systematic changes in greater Grand Rapids." As your representative, @LilyforMichigan will improve support services in our schools, support single payer healthcare, and protect our resources. #MIpol #DemCastMI
"Our legislature hasn't been able to protect our people, land, or waters. Children are being poisoned, species are going extinct, & social systems undermined." @HofmanKingston will fight for you. #MIpol #DemCastMI
Government should be for the people, by the people. @VoteBreadonMI43 is running for Michigan State Representative because "now is the time to challenge “leaders” who put special interests before their constituents." #MIpol #DemCastMI
"We must cease our skyrocketing healthcare costs, and end the gouging of prescription drug prices." @C79th is running to represent all working people in our communities without prioritizing special interests. #MIpol #DemCastMI
"For too long the safety of our water has been taken for granted." @WheelerForHD66 will help protect natural resources, because working families of Michigan shouldn't have to question if the water coming out of the tap is safe to drink. #MIpol #DemCastMI
We need our state and local governments to hold polluters accountable, enact limits on harmful substances and incentivize the development of safer products. @voteKellyBreen will take them to task. #MIpol #DemCastMI
It's time to end handouts for big corporations & the 1%. Everyone, not just working people, must pay their share. @BrianHosticka will enact legislation that supports working people, small business & local farming. #MIpol #DemCastMI
"We must make a bipartisan effort to expand and improve health care, including access and quality, for all citizens." @barbanness2020 will work to expand Medicaid & lower prescription drug prices for Michiganders. #MIpol #DemCastMI
"It’s time we had a real alternative to the market-based system" of employer based healthcare. @VotePulver supports a plan for purchasing healthcare through a public option for Michiganders. #MIpol #DemCastMI