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“As he watched the insurrection unfold on television, WITH DELIGHT, Trump MADE NO IMMEDIATE DEMAND that rioters leave the Capitol." This is a stark reminder in video evidence of why the Senate must vote to convict. #ClearAndPresentDanger #TrumpIsGuilty
Someone shouted "kill him with his own gun" while Officer Fanone was mobbed by rioters on 1.6. This is what Trump caused. Trump is a #ClearAndPresentDanger #ConvictAndDisqualify
A violent attack on the Capitol & democracy itself cannot go unpunished, or it will send a message to future demagogues & extremists that there are no consequences. Trump must be convicted & banned from public office. #ClearAndPresentDanger
"This cannot be the future of America. We cannot have presidents inciting & mobilizing mob violence against our government & our institutions because they refuse to accept the will of the people" Truth to power from @RepRaskin. #ClearAndPresentDanger
The mob was following orders of Trump when they stormed the Capitol. Lawmakers pleaded for help as they stormed the center of our democratic republic on 1.6 #ClearAndPresentDanger
New video footage shows just how close the mob came to getting their hands on Mike Pence. Does any member of the @SenateGOP honestly think they would have just let Pence go? Or would they have tried to take him to the noose? #ClearAndPresentDanger
"Let me be very clear, the president wasn't just coming for 1 or 2 people, or Democrats ,he was coming for you. For Democratic and Republican senators. He was coming for all of us. Just as the mob did, at his direction." @tedlieu #ClearAndPresentDanger
“He built this mob over many months with repeated messaging, until they believed that they’d been robbed of their vote, and they would do *anything* to stop the certification.” - @RepSwalwell #ClearAndPresentDanger
Officer Goodman saved the life of @SenatorRomney on 1.6 Eugene put his life on the line to save your lives. Who do you stand with @SenateGOP ? Officer goodman and your colleague, or the mob that screamed "Hang Mike Pence" #TrumpIsGuilty
Trump spent four years glorifying violence as a legitimate way to handle conflict. So, when he told his supporters to march to the Capitol and "fight like hell", they knew exactly what to do. #ClearAndPresentDanger
As bad as 1.6 was, it could have been much worse. We saw Trump’s mob come steps away from the Pence, Senators, Members of Congress. We watched attacks on law enforcement. We watched as Trump stood by and enjoyed the carnage. #ClearAndPresentDanger
"Multiple injuries." "We're taking projectiles, rocks and pieces of flags" "The crowd is using munitions against us" "We've lost the line" Desperate cries of officers outmanned, with no help coming because Trump refused to act. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Trump was the ONLY person who could have stopped the violence at the Capitol. He knows how to communicate with his base so they know EXACTLY what he wants them to do. Instead, he was silent for 3 1/2 hours. #ClearAndPresentDanger
An angry violent mob showed up on Jan 6th to do Trump's bidding. He told them that Mike Pence had betrayed them. He hasn't conceded the election & can continue to incite attacks. #ClearAndPresentDanger
When police officers were being killed, injured and maimed protecting the center of our Democracy, where was Trump? Who do you stand for @SenateGOP? Trump or the Police? #ClearAndPresentDanger
President Trump spent months insisting the 1/6 Joint Session of Congress was the final act of a vast plot to destroy America. Then he told an angry mob to "fight like hell". #ClearAndPresentDanger
The insurrectionist attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was not spontaneous. The assault ... was the direct result of a months-long effort rooted in disinformation; promoted by President Donald Trump... #ClearAndPresentDanger #TrumpIsGuilty
Proud Boy indicted and planned to assassinate both GOP and Dem leaders. Witnesses told authorities he would have killed Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if given the chance. This is not about politics. #ClearAndPresentDanger
10,000 rioters against 700 Capitol police. The officers were denied the equipment and manpower they needed to stay safe. One died.140 officers suffered brain trauma, maiming, broken ribs, and crushed spines. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Officer Daniel Hodges was crushed in a doorway during the attack on the Capitol, while the mob tried to push through. 3 officers lost their lives, 140 were injured. We are united in wanting accountability. #ClearAndPresentDanger #TrumpIsGuilty
“Mr. President … Stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Someone’s going to get hurt, someone’s going to get shot, someone’s going to get killed.” GA Republican Gabriel Sterling 5 people died. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Militia leader on Nov 9th: “Unless the POTUS himself activates us, it’s not legit. If Trump asks me to come, I will. Otherwise, I can’t trust it.” This from a "commanding officer" of Trump's mob. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Presidents are responsible for their actions from the day they are sworn in, to the day they are replaced. A President who tried to subvert an election must be held accountable. #ClearAndPresentDanger
When the mob reached the Capitol and overwhelmed the security, Trump was reportedly "delighted" and DID NOTHING for hours to support the Capitol Police and legislators in danger. 5 people died. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Confederate flags were carried through the halls of our Congress by an armed mob, seeking to kill our leaders, enabled by the man sworn to serve, protect, & govern in our name. And they would do it again. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Trump has embarrassed and humiliated America on the world stage by encouraging a violent mob to overthrow the election results. 5 people died. If you don't vote to #ConvictAndDisqualify him, you are sanctioning his actions. #ClearAndPresentDanger
“Lawmakers pleaded for help as fear set in” -during the failed coup attempt on our nation’s Capitol on 1.6. This must never happen again. There must be accountability. Trump must be convicted. #ClearAndPresentDanger
The American people deserve leaders who reflect the very best of America & stand up for liberty & justice for all, no exceptions. Every Senator must put country over party and defend the rule of law. Vote to #ConvictAndDisqualify Donald Trump. #ClearAndPresentDanger
There can be no unity without accountability. No healing without the restoration of the lawful order. Donald Trump must be held to account for the violence at the Capitol. The House impeached, now the Senate must convict. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Without accountability, we are in a democratic backslide. This is an urgent threat to our free and fair elections. Our government is supposed to be accountable to the people. We must #ConvictAndDisqualify Donald J. Trump. #ClearAndPresentDanger
members of the Proud Boys wore tactical-style gear, including helmets and gloves, and appeared to be coordinating their movements. "Stand back and stand by" they were following orders from Trump. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Former President Trump is a clear danger to the American people and to our democracy. He must be convicted for inciting an insurrection and banned from holding public office again. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Voting to #ConvictAndDisqualify isn't an act of courage. It's making a decision to fullfill the duties and obligations and to uphold their oath of office. We must ensure that 1.6 never happens again. #ClearAndPresentDanger
The American people want accountability @SenateGOP It is your duty to protect our nation from violence and extremism. The eyes of History are on you. You must honor your oath. #ClearAndPresentDanger
On 1.6, right-wing militants attacked our country, fueled by lies peddled by Trump in his desperate effort to overturn the will of the voters, telling his supporters to “show strength”. We MUST hold him accountable. #ClearAndPresentDanger
Trump ? Refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power ? Claimed the election was stolen from him Then he told his followers to “fight like hell” and “fight to the death” against this “act of war”. #ClearAndPresentDanger
No US President has ever refused to accept an election result and support a peaceful transition of power. Until now. America has lost its world standing as the shining example of democracy. Hold Trump accountable. #ClearAndPresentDanger
A President who violently attacks the democratic process has no right to participate in it. Only after Trump is held to account for his actions can the Nation move forward with unity of purpose. #ClearAndPresentDanger
“The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing." Rep. Liz Cheney (R) #ClearAndPresentDanger