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To create jobs, @CartwrightPA will act to ensure that Congress is investing in infrastructure. In 2020, he introduced the bipartisan bill "Built to Last Act" to help bolster our infrastructure against extreme weather. #PApol #DemCastPA
If you are willing to use your education to serve the public and help meet an urgent public need, @ConorLambPA will enact legislation for the government to help pay your student loans. The price of an education shouldn't be crippling life long debt. #PApol #DemCastPA
Unions make America strong. @FinelloForPA believes we need to strengthen unions and wage boards because workers who bargain collectively earn roughly 14 percent an hour more than those who don’t. #PApol #DemCastPA
Matt Cartwright is a creative problem solver, working to address environmental needs, improving public lands, and creating jobs for PA with just one program. Let's send @CartwrightPA back to Congress to keep representing the 8th district. #PApol #DemCastPA
Voting is the conerstone of our Democracy. @FinelloForPA will support a New Voting Rights Act of the 21st Century that will protect everyone’s right to vote and pass legislation to secure our elections. #PApol #DemCastPA
It's time to rebuild America. @DePasqualePA will only support an infrastructure plan that is bought in America and built in America ensuring that steel, concrete and other key components and technology are produced here. #PApol #DemCastPA
In this era of increased hatred and bigotry, it’s imperative that GA CD7 is represented by @wildforcongress "who believes that LGBT people deserve equal treatment under the law." Adrian Shanker, PA Chair, LGBTQ Caucus #PApol #DemCastPA
In opposing the GOP lawsuit to eliminate the ACA, @CartwrightPA continues his fight to expand health care coverage for more Americans and hold insurance companies more accountable for what they charge families. #PApol #DemCastPA
"I will do everything I can to protect the Affordable Care Act from Republicans who are intent on gutting protections for people with pre-existing conditions." @FinelloForPA #PApol #DemCastPA
We need to Make College More Affordable @FinelloForPA supports Doubling Pell Grant Awards, Free Community College, Restructured Students Loans, Repayment Plans & Lower Interest Rates on Student Loans. #PApol #DemCastPA
.@wildforcongress knows there are simple, bipartisan approaches to reforming our criminal justice system. Susan will help make our communities safer, our laws fairer, bolster our economy, and save lives. #PApol #DemCastPA
Working across the aisle, @ConorLambPA is committed to ensuring healthcare for people with pre-existing conditions. Conor will improve affordability of care by reducing premiums, out-of-pocket costs, and prescription drug prices. #PApol #DemCastPA
Susan knows climate change is real and we need climate action now. @wildforcongress is a champion for our environment, co-chairing the New Democrat Coalition’s Climate Change Task Force and urgently working to pass climate protections. #PApol #DemCastPA
Tackling our climate crisis is a priority for @FinelloForPA. She knows it is time to invest in alternative energy, Rrejoin the International Climate Agreement and reinstate the Obama clean power rules. #PApol #DemCastPA
Christina Finello will oppose efforts to defund organizations that provide critical healthcare options to women. @FinelloForPA will support legislation to increase access to contraception for so women can choose when to have a family. #PApol #DemCastPA
As your Congresswoman, @wildforcongress will act on the issues you care about most. Susan is committed to increasing access to health care, funding our public schools, and investing in mental health support. #PApol #DemCastPA
A family-supporting wage puts more money in our economy, benefitting local businesses and workers. @DePasqualePA is advocating for a $15 minimum wage, because no one who works full-time should live in poverty. #PApol #DemCastPA
High-quality infrastructure is essential to creating jobs and attracting new businesses for PA. Passing an infrastructure bill is an economic and national security priority, and @ConorLambPA will fight every day to get it done. #PApol #DemCastPA
Wealthy special interests have too much power because money in politics is corrupting our system. @DePasqualePA believes campaign finance reform is needed to make our system more transparent and fair. #PApol #DemCastPA
Healthcare is a human right. @DePasqualePA supports a public option that builds on and expands the ACA. It would allow those with private insurance to keep it and provide the option to buy into Medicare at an affordable rate. #PApol #DemCastPA
In Congress, @DePasqualePA will focus on investment in alternative energy, including research on smarter energy storage for solar and wind, and a more durable grid. The US must do it's part to address climate change. #PApol #DemCastPA
League of Conservation Voters: @CartwrightPA knows the importance of a clean energy economy and "has stood up to polluters’ continued attacks on clean air and water, and we enthusiastically endorse him for re-election.” #PApol #DemCastPA
In regards to preventing school shootings, @ConorLambPA said “We need new legislation to close loopholes. We need to fix the background check system, and actually make the effort of putting our money where our mouth is on this problem.” #PApol #DemCastPA
Hardworking Pennsylvanians have paid into and earned Medicare and Social Security benefits over their whole lives. @DePasqualePA will always protect these essential programs from cuts. #PApol #DemCastPA
Women should have access to medication no matter who their employer is. @JoshShapiroPA has twice secured national injunctions protecting women’s access to no-cost contraception as required by the Affordable Care Act. #PApol #DemCastPA
Attorney General @JoshShapiroPA led a group of more than two dozen attorneys general in urging the U.S. Department of Education to help federal student loan borrowers during the COVID-19 pandemic. #PApol #DemCastPA
@JoshShapiroPA takes very seriously the constitutional right to clean air and pure water. Josh has and will continue to criminally prosecute companies that violate these rights. #PApol #DemCastPA
Pennsylvanian’s rights should not be drowned out by big corporations with big wallets. @JoshShapiroPA promises to keep taking on the big fights, without fear or favor. #PApol #DemCastPA
In @JoshShapiroPA's office, chokeholds are not used as a restraint. "We don't train our agents to use chokeholds and we don't use them--period. Chokeholds don’t have a place in law enforcement." #PApol #DemCastPA
After months of internal research & discussions with fellow law enforcement, @JoshShapiroPA is in support of efforts to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana use for Pennsylvanians over the age of 21. #PApol #DemCastPA
.@JoshShapiroPA has proven himself a transformative and bold advocate, securing actions against the perpetrators of the opioid crisis, the clergy abuse epidemic and Trump’s travel ban. #PApol #DemCastPA
As AG, @JoshShapiroPA led an initiative that caused a 68% increase in PA law enforcement sharing crime gun data. Josh also blocked access to 3D guns in Pennsylvania in court. #PApol #DemCastPA
.@MarleneKatz4PA believes in fair and equitable pay and an equal opportunity to succeed. Marlene supports raisng the minimum wage to help improve lives and our economy at large. #PApol #DemCastPA
In 2018, Pennsylvania families lost 4,491 people in overdose deaths. @DebCiamacca will fight for increased funding for substance abuse treatment and will work to hold drug companies financially responsible for this opioid crisis. #PApol #DemCastPA
Let's restore integrity to our elections. @RodasforPA will be committed to increased access for voting and campaign finance reform to remove the influence of corporate special interests and give government back to the people #PApol #DemCastPA
Kevin Branco is committed to taking on special interest groups and fighting for our community. Kevin will use his roots in this community and business experience to find real solutions. Learn more on FB: @brancoforstaterep #PApol #DemCastPA
Policy over Politics is the essence of @Pfriel96Friel's candidacy to become the next Representative for the 26th House District in Pennsylvania. Constituent, community & legislative advocacy will be key to improving the lives in PA. #PApol #DemCastPA
PA still does not have legislation protecting civil rights of its LGBTQ citizens. @RepUllman supports laws that promote inclusivity, justice, & equality for all in the commonwealth. #PApol #DemCastPA
Government should ensure that employers take care of workers as people first and growing profits second. @LissaforPA advocates for the right of workers to organize and improve their working conditions through collective bargaining. #PApol #DemCastPA
From 2015 to 2018, there was a 36% increase in overdose deaths in PA. We must support addiction treatment, recovery & education. @electspillane will combat the opioid epidemic with compassion, education & targeted resources. #PApol #DemCastPA
Students need to have access to a wide range of experiences that will prepare them for financial stability. @AnnMarie4PA believes that this includes college & career guidance, vocational and trades options for higher education. #PApol #DemCastPA
We have seen the impact that global warming has on our environment. It is time to make amends and for future generations yet to come. @MarleneKatz4PA will make this a priority. #PApol #DemCastPA
“I come from a union family, and I know exactly how important unions are to both members and their families and to all workers. In Harrisburg, I promise to fight for the rights of unions and their workers.” @JennOMara4PA #PApol #DemCastPA
The people of PA HD 160 need a representative who will stand with families, stand for realizing the American Dream, and stand for protecting our Democracy. @FriendsofAntonA will fight for families. #PApol #DemCastPA
Every year, the same common-sense guns laws are introduced in Harrisburg to protect schools, communities and families from tragedy. @JKassa_PA151st will fight to get these bills passed. #PApol #DemCastPA
No child in America should go to bed hungry. @LissaforPA knows fighting child poverty includes programs for early childhood development and education, nutritious meals, housing, and access to counseling and trauma-related care. #PApol #DemCastPA
Meaningful justice reform includes an end to mass incarceration, eliminating cash bail, and reforming sentencing to eliminate prison for non-violent drug offenders. @votekane will vote enact legislation reform criminal justice in PA. #PApol #DemCastPA
Affordable healtcare is a human right. @GScott4PA will support efforts to enact paid family and medical leave, end the practice of surprise medical billing and pressure fellow lawmakers to reduce the cost of prescription drugs #PApol #DemCastPA
"Gerrymandering and large sums of untraceable money in our elections has pushed our government in the wrong direction." To ensure election integrity, @shannaforPA for SD31 will fight for fair districts and campaign finance reform. #PApol #DemCastPA
The minimum wage should be a living wage. When you raise wages, people are more likely to spend it locally, helping the local economy and small businesses. @JD4PASTSenate will fight for a living wage. #PApol #DemCastPA
We have a commitment to the land and industry, and @JD4PASTSenate's goal is to see farms preserved by supporting incentives and helping farmers as the battle continues with climate change. #PApol #DemCastPA
"Access to health care that is actually affordable, protecting workers in a changing economy, giving our seniors more opportunity and choice and better schools for our kids'" are @JulieSlomski's priorities in the PA Senate. #PApol #DemCastPA
The Commonwealth suffers when people cannot afford health insurance. @votekane will work to make Healthcare and prescription drugs affordable for all. #PApol #DemCastPA
In a truly representative democracy, every eligible voter can vote and their vote counts equally. @GScott4PA will support same-day voter registration, in-person early voting, and allowing independents to vote in primary elections. #PApol #DemCastPA
"Gun violence takes many forms, and there are many ways we can work legislatively to reduce it." Elect @shannaforpa to State Senate and she will work to have these conversations and make real change for the safety of all Pennsylvanians. #PApol #DemCastPA
Our students are reliant on schools for more services than ever before, but our schools are being financially squeezed. We need bold leaders who will find solutions. @shannaforpa will be that leader. #PApol #DemCastPA
I "believe women’s access to health care cannot be impeded. I will stand up in Harrisburg to make sure women have access to comprehensive health care." Help re-elect @pamforpa to the PA Senate for district 37. #PApol #DemCastPA
Affordable, quality healthcare for all Pennsylvanians is achievable. @JD4PASTSenate will propose legislation to overhaul and strengthen Pennsylvania’s mental health care system, and fight to lower the cost of healthcare to Pennsylvanians. #PApol #DemCastPA
The quality of your education brings you more opportunities in life. "That’s why every child in Pennsylvania needs access to high-quality education -- including Pre-K, which can determine a child’s success later in life." @pamforpa #PApol #DemCastPA
"Global inaction and inaction here in Pennsylvania, will be the defining feature of my generation moving forward." @votekane will work to preserve our environment and take action to mitigate climate change. #PApol #DemCastPA
It is important to recognize and support the transgender and non-binary community in the fight for complete equality. @JulieSlomskiPA will fight for LGBQT rights in the PA Senate. #PApol #DemCastPA